Chattenden Primary School


At Chattenden Primary School, we believe that Art and Design is a vital part of a child’s learning journey. 

We think that all children should be encouraged to explore and engage in a wide range of activities that provide them with opportunities to develop skills to explore, experiment, create and invent their own works of art. 

Art is taught through topics in each key stage.  As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we provide varied opportunities for all children to experience and learn all the elements of art, craft and design in the most effective and expressive way from Reception onwards.  Children develop knowledge, skills and understanding through a range of practical tasks which will include drawing, painting, print making, sculpture, batik and more. 

As children’s learning journey develops, progression in art will focus on deepening understanding and refining techniques and skills. Children will be actively encouraged to explore various artists and artistic styles, evaluating their work to develop their critical thinking and celebrated in their successes and development of artistic techniques. 

Our art curriculum ensures children experience a wide range of art from across the globe incorporating learning about artists and art from a range of backgrounds, genders and cultures.  For example, Year 2 will learn about Alma W Thomas who famously used a wide spectrum of colour in her paintings, Year 5 will learn about Gasali Adeyemo who created beautiful fabric and clothing using a technique that he learnt in his native Nigeria and many more.

Chattenden Primary School aims to provide a safe and familiar environment where children are willing to take on new challenges and try new techniques. With regards to Art, we see mistakes as positives and an opportunity to reflect and deepen our skill.

We are currently working to achieve “Artsmark” accreditation as a school and plan to submit our application of impact for assessment in the Spring term 2023.