Chattenden Primary School

Sports Premium

The children of Chattenden enjoying some of our new equipment to encourage positive play and healthy living.

At Chattenden, School Sport and PE is something we are very proud of.  Our children receive specialist PE teaching from a fully qualified teacher    to make sure every child meets their full sporting potential. 

Mrs Stickings leads our in depth PE curriculum and ensures that the children at Chattenden receive the very best physical education, with every child receiving a minimum of two hours per week.

 Last year’s (2022/23) Sports Premium allocation was £17,750

This year's Sports Premium allocation will be allocated in September.  Below,  is also the PE curriculum development for the  academic year and the impact.




The Physical Education curriculum is a varied one and is always under review to ensure our children have a broad exposure to a range of sports.  New areas that have been introduced in PE lessons this year include Health Related Exercise, where the children learn about healthy lifestyles and how the body works.


The standards expected in every class are set extremely high with some secondary school concepts, language and activities already being taught, and developed further in more able scenarios.  The expectation is that children can reach these high standards through carefully differentiated lessons, with challenges set according to the level of the ability of every child.


All children are given the knowledge of the core theories in sporting areas so they can apply these skills and understanding in a variety of areas, and not just coached in one sport.


Lunchtimes is an important time where children get to socialise and re-energise.  Sport is a perfect way to do both of these.  By engaging children in a wider variety of sports, we give our children access to more opportunities to exercise, learn, work together, be responsible and ultimately have fun!

We are lucky enough to have the use of a field. The area is large enough to allow all year groups to play, along with climbing and jumping facilities.  At times this is restricted by the weather, but at all available opportunities, use of the field is encouraged.

Our Key stage 2 children have access to a multi court area, with new playground markings creating an area for children to have fun and exercise.

Our reception, Year 1 and 2 children also have an outside area with new playground games marked out. KS1 will also have the opportunity to take part in new exciting games led by our Year 6 Sports Leaders. Our sport leaders will have weekly meeting and training with Mrs Stickings, and will be an integral part of implementing our idea of a fun and social playground.

The Teaching Assistants have regular meetings with Mrs Stickings, to guarantee that the playground is a social and energetic one; to assist this we have created a playground booklet with ideas or games and ways to enthuse children in play.

Competitive Sport

As a result of having specialist PE staff, we will be able to raise our ambition in clubs and competitive teams; afterschool clubs will run to give those the opportunity to extend their PE skills.

As part of the Howard School Sports Partnership, Chattenden has the opportunity to compete in the ‘Mini Youth Games’.

The house system which has been successfully embedded into Chattenden’s strong ethos, serves as a great purpose for all children to feel success.  The house system aims to complement sports day, ensures that all children have participated in competitive sport throughout the school year, regardless of age or ability.

Healthy Schools

The introduction of the Health Related Exercise (HRE) unit, is to encourage healthy lifestyles, and enable the children to become more aware of their body, and have a greater understanding of the impact of exercise on health. Also the Medway Mile is an activity that has been introduced.   Every year group partakes in a mile of exercise every week.  The children thoroughly enjoy participating whether it be through running, jogging or skipping!

Impact and Sustainability

The opportunity to use specialist PE teachers is being embedded and will become an integral part of the provision made for children from Reception to Year 6.

Strategic PE planning and assessment has been put in place and will be a robust system, consisting of comprehensive formative assessments carried out during every lesson. The rigorous assessment will build up a profile of every child and will be evidenced with photographs and videos of work.

Chattenden utilise the Sports premium funding by investing into a product delivered by Howard School Sport Partnership (HSSP), costing £1800.    This package assists Chattenden with Central co-ordination and planning, regular meetings, equipment loan and School Games Award applications.  We will continue to get SSCo curriculum support offering a number of twilight courses to develop subject knowledge.  The Baseline package also offers access to friendly competitive matches after-school for years 5 and 6 throughout the academic year which will link to preparing the children for Mini Youth Games events.  Also, a new product on offer from HSSP that Chattenden has been fortunate enough to have access to is a P.E Assessment Tool allowing the PE coordinator to continually assess the pupil’s performance.

We believe that the drive for high levels of success and attainment in PE here at Chattenden will be down to outstanding subject knowledge and pedagogy delivered through every PE lesson.  We will challenge our children to think further, and question why and how they can achieve their highest potential. We do not just coach the children in sports, but teach them the values and principles to apply their knowledge to any sporting context in order to succeed in all areas.