Chattenden Primary School

Home Learning


Homework Help

Tips for good homework habits

  • Do find a quiet place at home to use as a homework area. It needs a flat surface, a good light source and the right equipment eg pens, pencils, ruler.
  • Do plan a homework timetable and agree on when your child will do their homework.
  • Do discuss any homework tasks with your child and how it connects with what they are studying at school.
  • Do turn off the TV - but you could have music on if they find it helpful.
  • Don't give your child the answer in order to get a task finished. Instead, explain how to look up information or find a word in a dictionary.
  • Don't teach your child methods you used at school. It could confuse them.
  • Don't let homework become a chore. Keep it fun and make it a special time that you both look forward to.


Our Home Learning policy can be found here